A Sidecar Named Despair

17th September 2019 to 19th September 2019, 19:30 to 22:30 at Headgate Theatre, 14 Chapel Street North, Chapel Street North, Colchester (19.6 miles)

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Take a ride up the comedy freeway with a tale of mobsters, missing gems and a mashed-up motorbike.

Dick's quiet suburban life is shattered when his brother Julian returns suddenly from The States, for "health" reasons. But his shady American "associates" have unfinished business with him, putting both their health at risk. Their dad's old bike and sidecar, which Dick has been "doing up', might come in handy as their getaway vehicle!

A black comedy with original music by Pat Whymark & Julian Harries and starring Julian and Dick Mainwaring - reprising the characters they created for Common Ground's 2013 comedy, Stuff In The Attic ("Pat Whymark's latest play is very funny indeed" East Anglian Daily Times, "Good music and plenty of well-judged comic touches" In Suffolk, "Moments of pure farce alternate with real conflict" What's on Stage). Expect "The Odd Couple" versus the Mob!

Common Ground have been bringing their distinctive brand of music theatre - with strong narrative, strong emotion and just a touch of the surreal - to venues across East Anglia, since 2008.

Tickets: �£12, �£7 young people and unwaged